
       Passed a few weeks: until the reticent teaching staff of primary school Baničova 20:
a little through teeth: but aloud and publicly - stated ✓ that some girls: used to did it:
by corner of a desk: especially: when the girls wanted to answer quickly: actually:    some
tall girls didn't stop it - even then they answered -   they moved with pelvis stealthily -
they pulled off shoes: and: spoke with a feline accent in the voice.
      It was not easy - particularly to see through the prejudices  - that they're just the
kids: and that: the habit also took possession good students. 
      But: one Friday forenoon: during the Ethical education      (perhaps on the lesson of
natural history: she could hold on even a few days) Ms.Deputy:  she requested emphatically: 
to that moment: constantly honored O¾ga V. :to take a step back: and:    stop stroking this
Satyr immediately!
