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       I suspect you Søren: that: as a bright man: you knew very well: that: your thoughts will not go into
the world: just by from themselves: that: your existentialism: will not born out: just so  - from sea foam. 
:That you have to make a little turmoil around you - so you dressed like an ass     - put the stupid hat on
your head: and: you went out into the streets dandified: to provoke idiots.
       I think you were having a good time: when those stupid boys believed you    - and you litigated with
them for your "dignity" - yes: it was a good plan surely       - Jaspers wouldn't have discovered you after
years: if you would wrote only at home: recluse: just for yourself.

       Lord: did you realize that - when you let yourself crucified? Did you know: that:   if you don't let
yourself be ritually and pompous humiliated and tortured by the crowds - your reference - your message    -
will not be able to fly through the centuries?

       And you: Brother: Betty took care of you in this. For what: she must have eternal thanks justifiably