
       I am announcing my sponsor audition. From today. His winner -
immediately after the announcement results - exactly 1.4.2020:   and
after signing relevant documents   - obtains 12 (in word: twelve) of
my previous drawings according to his choice:       the right to the
edition of my poetic and song debut: then:  the pre-emptive right to
every new piece of my work: and last but not least: the immortality:
because his or her name: will be connected with mine forever.
       What this person doesn't get: is:     the right to determine:
what I will continue to do. :Well: none of his portraits:        and
portraits of his exceptionally handsome offsprings: naked wife:   or
something: or: toasts for his celebrations: anniversaries:       or:
requiem for his black soul - nothing.       :Of course: this is also
related to the fact: that: his chosen voice: will also be:    in the
case of the aforementioned debuts: and: in fact: whenever there will
be the talk of my work: only highly advisory.
       The winner gets a privilege: with his announcement:        to
support me in my unrestrained genius: and:   to send me every month
2019 euro (in word: two thousand and nineteen) euro.     :Or: in the
case of inflation:    the amount corresponding to today's purchasing
power of this number (yes: I'm also a lawyer!)      All this will be
contracted in depth and signed.
       Possibility to participate in the competition lasts until the
end of the year 2019   (ends at midnight on 31st December at 00:00)
and candidates - who sign up will be  contacted sequentially:   and:
invited for personal interviews with me - where:      in addition to
long-term solvency: will be judged: as well as their nature      and
origin: and resources of their wealth so far: and:        of course:
their total personal ethics:  and: subjective insight into the human
culture and the art.
       Candidates may: starting on this day:    to register in email
       Of course: as the organizer:    I reserve the right to refuse
all: and: to terminate the audition as unsuccessful:   or: to extend
the deadline for declaring the winner.
