
       Today is 1.04.2020       and the truth is:
:although, it's hard to believe:  that apart from
a phenomenal hacker,   who filmed me masturbating
while I was watching porn,  despite the fact that
I don't have a webcam, no one, but really no one,
wrote me  the mentioned email for the whole year.
No businessman, no promising sponsor,  no solvent
follower, no avid banker poet - no one.
       This fact I'm explaining to myself so that
the conditions,         in which I demarcated the
competition a year ago, were too easy, and hence:
under-stimulating  the entrepreneurial congenital
       Therefore: to motivate world entrepreneurs
even more (don't worry boys)  I'm adding one more
deadly condition: the candidate must,  as soon as
he is victorious,  to pay complete my entire debt
that I have to date on taxes,    that is 40963,83
euro - and only then, he can start collecting the
desired reward.   I leave the text, from the year
before, in its original version with the time and
dates, just that: from today is possible to enter
the contest continually until its end - therefore
until the winner was announced.
