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       Truth is not good: especially when you want friends. If you want success at work: in a band: or
in a club: or if you are looking for a good man for yourself - truth will not be to your benefit. It's
:it seems - a very idividual matter. We each have our own: and we also think it freely.      It's loud
manifestation is indeed ethically praiseworthy   - we feed with this our children and the mouth of the
positive hero: but whereas the truth is often harsh sociopath      (in the best case it is naive baby) 
:immediately after it comes a punishment - loss sender's benefit.
       Only a few addressees to whom it was delivered the cruel truth of themselves:  can look at this
correspondence without negative emotions. It is possible that no one.   There are too much cash in the
tricks: too many years of life. Let's be adults! Such a immature intolerance!      Such a indecent and
openly - such a stupid!
       Notice: a veracious: a kind: polite and humble man: if he is not:      at best appears a little
       Such a truth-worshiper can come to death from hunger: if he is not quickly wake up.    The best
thing to do is find a way to sell - to sell yourself. :You know how: Foxy.     Definitely not like the
fool Van Gogh: so unnecessary posthumous hero