
       Today:  I would like to say: Hello Brother Markus.
You see: it's like before: at your younger days: when art
was a lonely matter: see:
       As you have said: because:       the response of a
sensitive perceiver: can also be fatal: and:   to release
the work for this crude world is ruthless and cruel   - I
don't want anything written under my work   - I wanted it
formerly: and we survived relatively healthy: but:      I
understand: that: a sensitive perceiver:   a human being:
he always does it for himself    - he publishes himself -
does not care about the work: he wants to enjoy:  to show
off self-sensitivity:  to get attention for his own work:
or: he just wants to shit: and:     leave there his funny
       I know: that:       my paintings will die with me:
because I'm the only one:    who gives them the right one
life-giving attention*: but: it's great life! to surround
self with the windows in to my own me:       to create my
totems and artifacts: tangible or intangible:   for years
to observe them: alone and self. 
       You do not have to carry a message: the victory at
home: at half the third morning without anyone  - my eyes
are bursting from luck - my ears vibrate with delight.
