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       I understood this in the one distant sunlit morning: when I heard Bjork from radio:  to calm some
crazy and mad third child: shhhhh: shhhhh - and I fell on my knees immediately:  What the fuck?!?   :The
strange author of hauling howls: who is snobbishly conceptually jinking around any love-melody*      - I
yelled loud (it must have been so) - I don't believe!! What is this?! Jazz? !! Winds ?? The melody?!! ::
Goddess !!!
       :Then it turned out: that: it wasn't her song: but: the amazement remained in me:     it would be
beyond the laws of universe: if it would be composed by her  (if I met her - I couldn't even look her in
the eyes - I'd just kiss her hand) - completely different - just - here you got it - eat!

       That's why I love Jay the most: because: his job is to stepping out from himself (although within
the band it's about something else maybe: when other members are entering creatively - but it definitely
wants a brilliant conductor) :but also I love Myles for that one romantic: tenderly spited out:  tone in
Aos Pés Da Cruz: and: Dežo - Dežo was a genius: sorry boys: Two ones:     and Welcoming The Morning Sun:
mhmmm Dress: and Golden lip: and: the whole gray-blue contrast as the hill on opposite.

       *I am sorry Sister: I knew you only fleetingly in that time