
       Art is: a living relationship between beauty: work and truth:
and:  it doesn't have to be harmony at all:    they can quarrel like
bitches: or: have it on the table: or:  to contains love rectangular
triangle: anything:   all that matters is that their relationship is
alive: that is:     not to the detriment of one of them:  as soon as
one of them begins to cultivate selfish individualism:    fatally it
reflects: and: the art is fucked.
       A person who tries to initiate these living relationships: an
applicant for title: the artist:  is dealing with these three ladies
mostly exactly in the above mentioned order - so first he's inviting
beauty  (I know it myself: when I started writing poems: I wanted to
make it heartbreaking beautiful: just like when:        I started my
pilgrimage as a drawer) later: if the candidate in question have the
luck: the will: and: talent (another three? *)         - maybe he'll
over-bite through the tiresome  and often desperate work to personal
truth    - this will be manifested first by a sincere desire for it:
and: it will never end again   - but only a few of these applicants:
tossed by the restlessness: will really keep the truth at home: with
her sisters: and:  acquire the right to be called artists.

       * Here it is the other way around: because:    there are many
talented people - only some have the will to capitalize their talent  
(ha, I enjoy it, I will be a philosopher ;-)    and the luck sits on
