
       Most of my life: so far has been marked by an enormous effort to get somewhere:
to a place: among some people: where then: I will be with them  (already at this point
it starts to be mysterious for me) :but where I don't belong at all: and where I don't
even want to go - but - it is to be done this way     (it's time for that: or: someone
said it: everybody use to do it like that) :or my ego pushes me into it  (you have to!
everyone's been there a long time: you're late!)     :or my special dick is forcing me
into it. (That fucker will make a hell from my life gladly.)
       I thought romantically: (I am romantic: you were right)  that: me and the women
understand each other and I don't understand men: but the point is that: women like to
hear that: when a closer conversation is being established with them.   I have said it
so many times: and: to so many women: "I don't understand men"  (oh, I also pronounced
all other shallow standart shit) But the truth is:  I don't understand women with same
way - I'm just a little more motivated  to listen -    and: to be interested: because:
they are women: they have breasts and stuff: and some are so pretty:
