
      You know.
      By blue pool:    fragrant from hazelnut cream:
once again I think lazily: how is it possible: that:
the guys with the worst reputation: are scoring over
and over again: when women are almost not interested
in sex at all.
       I have witnessed many times:    how your ears
devoured those mendacities.
       So, it's so:     if you want to have a lot of
women: you have to learn to lie, Foxy  :that is all.
       If you care about numbers:   perfect yourself
in the art of beautiful lies.    And let no one tell
me about women: as being prone to follow the call of
feelings.  All women's sensitivity and vulnerability
lie in their credulity.
       Women are trusting materialists: they glad to
believe: that:  there is a open nest:      to which:
you're going to fly every day: that's all:    if so:
rather the men succumb to emotions.
       And:         at the end of today's hot summer
editorial, girls, one more cruel truth on top:   All
diets - are just expensive recipes:  how to rob your
beautiful and hard bodies from movement.
