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       Today is March 5: 2011 and the truth is: that we are all alone when it goes hard. We'are
bearing the decisive things alone: along the way - and no one will help us uphill:    no one is
curious. It's awful for me - to stop being child in this:      and admit to my full mouth: that
briefly or longer: I can be dissolved in another person: but it can't be forever    - sooner or
later a topic will appear - which - when it is releasing to specific - however close      - but
always foreign - ears - it destroys the sweet fragility - and when: on the contrary:   it is no
releasing - the understanding: that it's not possible: it destroys the sweet fragility.     The
sweet fragility.
       Once: we'll precipitate at the bottom of the liquid again -      which was once the pure
homogeneous solution

       But maybe not: with the right components