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       Peter Krutek was a sweet and trusting boy since he was a child - he would believe everyone
more tavern liar - true: he himself made clumsy effort to deceive: to be honest:    he lied quite
often: especially: at an early age: he made up a lot of stories:  to get the attention of friends
and girls (these were very sweet and incredible stories: about anything:       what could: at the
moment: a little to highlight the simple boy: about ravenous sex: money and depraved life: which:
from an early age: Peter performed with the help of many girls and so) - later - however:     the
fear: nature: and: the cruel Christian upbringing   - completely deprived him of these abilities:
necessary to survive - and especially - the desire to make lies -  but of credulity:  remarkably:
they didn't relieve him at all. 
       Not that he didn't want to steal - he tried to do it several times - we can even say that:
two or three times: he stole something successfully: but: just as with lies - he felt embarrassed
- he had unpleasant feeling of it: perhaps: he was afraid of public shame more than others:  whom
he was not hesitated to label as thieves: bastards! - and for this hypocrisy  - the fate punished
him later duly and rightly.

       When Peter was a young man: he met once in summer: just lightly:  in a tank top and shorts:
with another young man - it was fateful - because the man was an artist: a sculptor:      hypnotic
narrator: and: irresistible engraver of his own world: Peter Valach   (Peter: this is the name for
sculptor!) at that time: student guarding the buildings: under the company Kynos:   which belonged
to Peter Krutek the elder: our Peter's father: and: the another irresistible man of words.. 
       Peter Valach: as he himself said: after a few months: got hit immediately: or shortly after
Peter Krutek touched him (they shaking hands) Peter Krutek was a very handsome man     (still owns
charm of silent fool)  :and in Petr Valach's own words: also unexpectedly modest:         and: not
predatory self-confident at all: as might be expected - he explicitly mentioned the respekt: which
Peter Krutek made him feel: as an artist - the love was instant.

       Soon after - after long enthusiastic talks - after many games of the checkers:  which these
men played together: on the joint night shifts: under the black flag of Kynos         - after many
dangerously electrifying sentences:  which Peter Valach irresponsibly placed in the hungry mind of
Peter Krutek - as Lord Henry Wotton and Basil Hallward synchronously:    after dark streams of hot
coffee: surging in the streets paved by sugar cubes: Peter Krutek was:    irrevocably and forever:
marked by the belief: that the only thing: that makes sense here is to do art.

       Peter Krutek the Elder    - the mentioned man of the beautifully intangible futuristic word
about tomorrow: at that time he had completely lost:  his previously considerable influence on our
Peter - they was more times confronted    - with the obvious non-materialization of this his word:
even a few times: they caught him during the scheduled: time chasing: absence of truth :but:  even
those events: didn't reduce the credulity of Peter Krutek: and:  when Peter Krutek the Elder asked
him to a favor: to ground his name into the Kynos joint business       - protection of persons and
property - he said yes: which they confirmed together by signing:    under a several round stamps:
imprinted on contracts and powers of attorney:  for the already long indebted    and humbly craved
for happy life: with the women: in the southern countryside: Peter Krutek the Elder.

       It turned out: exactly:  as we are trying to indicate tediously.
       Peter Krutek invincibly infected by those smallpox: what are called: the art:  soon retired
into night loneliness: a fool: under the stars: which: shine before the steps of night guards:  on
quiet walks. There he gained faith: he is a poet: and he drew words and small pictures:  up to the
first horny thrush warbles: and - he do it until today - he also believe that it makes sense:   if
you write a naive truth about yourself: that it's inevitable: and: it own brute power

       According to the latest news: a merciful personal bankruptcy law: March 17: 2018: freed our
Peter from this ballad: now he has no debts: he is happily creating and reportedly deeply in love: