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       Please: don't buy it my friend: don't buy this sweet crunchy shit:
don't believe those beautiful faces:    those fragrant boys and beautiful
girls. (sorry Honey: I still love you)      :It's not just a little sweet 
thing: it's everything! It's terribly expensive: Bro!
       But no: you don't need those things.     That stupid car convinced
you: that: you're a sofa cover - you're a beautiful free runner Bro!  No:
you don't deserve it Sister. Those beautiful new dresses and shoes:   you
are still most beautiful naked. And barefoot.
       Laugh at these men: which are thinking: that: you're just an empty
slave: that: it will be enough: when they hang a new nonsense in front of
your face every week. Those gluttons are not the creators of your dreams. 
       These are not YOUR dreams.
       Your life doesn't take place in your mouth!
       Your life is not what you buy tomorrow!

       (I'm sorry: you're my muse: it's not fair: I know it: but:     for
better or worse..)