
       I envy you: Mr. Toman: and you deserve my envy: that:
you showed them: these fuckers which treated you like you're
a retard: I also have such fuckers in my little album: even:
some of those dicks think they can overlooking me    - as if
I'm not here.
       I understand that: Mr Toman - the anger - let them be
envious:  for the trespass which they have inflicted on you,
uh, I would like that too.
       This knowledge set me free: and:       filled me with
happiness:    so I decided to give you an honorable mention:
this year the price will not go: because:   it's sad anyway:
make money from simple acquisitive people: who would like to
swim in a deep pool tomorrow:     I don't know where it will
lead you .. build a deeper pool and buy a new black mercedes
.. or it's just the feeling: that:    you don't have to work
anymore .. but even so .. or is there a possibility:  and so
       I'm real Robin Hood: but this is:   with forgiveness:
kind of shallow.
       Ivo Toman:honorable mention for the year 2018.

But no: I get it: it's the strongest drug:   reflecting self
in those dull faces: to influence their empty lives:      to
flood their hungry eyes with tears of the belief: that:  one
day: they will be rich and famous
