Intro.. ...Back Draw... ..Along Poems.. ...More You have to read many books: Foxy! Because: people don't read! Oh my God! And irreversibly: they're losing some secret skills: and fantastic abilities: and forever: they're degenerating to destruction. Touched grandfathers: obscene publishers: and: braked booksellers: need to be constantly reminded: that: reading is also an eating: that: one can read the oceans of books: and: still to remain an useless asocial - it doesn't matter at all - look at me ☜ In our futuristic times: there is much more - and much more stimulating - methods to achieve entertainment. The world was always full of silly jerks: even in the old days: when boredom was dispersed by Agatha Christie: and death was so puckish British. And with these books: this is also a hoarding. :The best is the jelly jester: who condemns in his TV medallion pipingly: and: warns the younger generation: and: the death by internet - and the accumulation of material goods: and: behind his necro-cheese body: not less than two hundred and fifty thousand books: is shining triumphantly: showing us their occult backs arrogantly.