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       Except for a few borderline situations: when my parenting ego forced me to shout from anger: and
rarely: to quick hitting the baby ass - I never interfered much into raising my children. I got used to
the fact: that: people don't take me very seriously - I'm Peťo - or: our Peťko    - I'm a little out .. 
outside .. my opinions: what I think is right: nor I myself considers for appropriate to form.       :I
realize: the life is an experiment: I just don't have the courage to say anything: as the truth:   wich
could be nestled in the young brain: actually: who am I?
       Yes: my life can be considered as bankruptcy:  even a few people called me a bankrupt artist   -
although it flatters me: because: in order to go bankrupt: first:   you must be something in the field:
where you goes bankrupt - what I didn't notice  - maybe I was expecting too big earthquake  (I hear the
demolition in that fatal word: the walls are breaking: and the ground is tearing ..)      Or maybe: I'm
special: I'm just failed: as the only one in history: even before I became an artist: funny.
       Anyway: I can't prevent the most influential form of education: which is education with example.
Inside my soul: I probably hope: that:     I don't serve my children as a role model          - with my
remarkable ruined life: definitely I would not want: they to have problems because of that:    because:  
I was very stupid and idealist in my youth: and: I had to pay for it for many years.
       Or Honey