
       Today is 11.06.2011 and the truth is: that:
there is something like days:       which float in
international waters: and then anything can happen
between friends  - the whole universe assists it -
nothing will stop us. No conscience.     No detail
will open our eyes:         I will not look in the
direction of:       where could reality lurk: I'll
mishear that: what:  could close my mouth and pull
my hands off.               Something as banal and
straightforward as hair: touches me anywhere:  the
skin between me and them is not protective: I will
only say effective sentences:  I am quietly in the
right places: I will smile just then.
       And it will work.
       We'll ship out
       I want it! It's so transparent,   I want to
win it on the hardest difficulty,         it hurts
embarrassingly  when I'm not the fateful story and
the addressee of sighs.
       Or what?
       But well, let it go!
