
       I love Slovakia: Madam Redactor: you can grow here: everyone shits on you here
- you won't be cocky here: people here won't let you feel anything:   what you didn't
buy from them expensively - exactly on the contrary - the average carps: they demands
humility and modesty from you: you have to bow before them: and:      with your hands
together: and the head a little empathetically to the side    - here we like to float
together in a fragrant pink illusion: that: if someone will kneel in front of us:  we
will not be so terribly: the same sheeps -
       If you can't fool children on the internet here: you won't be an artist here -
even for a while Madam Redactor: if you stay here: you will have to push:   and press
yourself the whole your life and do business with yourself: and: sell yourself   - to
expose self in the humble - the mentally ill: or: a lewd poses   - at the end of your
Slovak life: you will be so pissed and underappreciated from that     - that's why we
Slovaks: so gladly: contaminates our confused speech in foreign words: and:   as soon
as we get manages to nest in another country: we immediately forget   - straight away
for the second calendar week - our mother tongue: we'll unpack the boxes:     and: we
shout in our minds: Ouais! les baiser tous!
       What kind of folklore?
       What Motherland?
       Even I: the sovereign myself, Madam Redactor: as soon as:   I learned a little
of kitchen English: I felt odd intense and intrusive joy from persistent idea:  that:
one day: it will be here everything only in English - and   - even if I had the time:
which I have no - as soon as possible: va te faire foutre ma chérie:        apprendre
l'étranger bientôt les langues: hahahah
