
       I haven't been voting for many years: I admit:
I'm such a stupid asocial.   I belong to those fools:
worthy of condemnation:       whom Hegel so despised:
and: over whom everyone:  just a little more worldly-
experienced one           - will lift up his eyebrows
significantly: and: justly angry:  only with enormous
self-denial: he won't catch them by the throat.
       It's unbelievable: but: really (I really don't
mean to mislead when it comes to such serious things)
a large group of people can get really angry: in this
direction             - they experiences irresistible
indignation: it visibly irritates them: even offends:
and: I understand: that I'm already gambling:    when
I'm going: in my delusions:    to continue like this:
but: the vast majority of people believes:    what is
said on television: and even:   there are also those:
who form their opinion:    on the basis of: what they
read in the newspaper ....
       It's fascinating      (just like by looking at
blood)  I can't take my eyes off:   when I watch such
a foolish weak-minded person:  as he interprets those
shit: pillar: transparent: coalition ...   lightnings
in the eyes: quick exhalations.     And it doesn't do
anything to me.         As far as public awareness is
concerned: I am such an indifferent deviant.
       My colleague artist:   once: at the College of
Electrical Engineering:      that we guarded together
in my youth: he said: that:  I should watch the news:
and:          I watched them for about a month on two
channels a day:  on Sunday I added a political review
with dark-voices moderators  - but I was bored like a
pig during it: because:        I always hated fucking
       I sincerely regret people:     whom their life
squeezed so cruelly: and:    they had to start make a
living on this unflattering work:      they certainly
never dreamed: even in the worst dreams:    when they
were young children: that:      they will do politics
once -  give up your face: and for what?    Show your
buttery form on election poster    - next to the most
superficial scams. Red tie of the leader:    the most
friendly one of all listeners:   top fulfiller of the
most secret wish:  jelly-like hand close to lewd face
- so thoughtful - so transparent:
