Intro..                                                                           ...Back
Draw...                                                                           ..Along
Poems..                                                                           ...More

       During maturation: a boy takes from other mouths numerous sentences: which then he
launches tasty and loudly - so obviously - like his own. When he launches it         - he
experiences similar pleasure: such as the pleasure of excretion* :he listens: and:watches
smugly: how these his own words operates: and returns to him approved:     but it doesn't
matter: because: they sounds so courageous: self-denuding:   and full of the experiences:
that: even very complete silence: it would move by him damply - an instant wisdom - which
is deep inside - is dissolving in space sweetly.
       I published these jewelry at least once myself: and some of them:     also several
times and repeatedly: and: here are some of them for you:   so that you can use them too:
when your right moment will come one day.

       First: my boy: you have to very much know: that:  "the journey is the destination"
:they: the others: they don't know it: but we know it: smile at me:  you have to smile at
me cunningly: they're hoarding .. Mainly: it's about that moment: when we tell it to each
other: smile on ourselves: and: we separate ourselves from those  - them      - which are
hoarding: which are chasing shadows: which have no value - material things ..   We are so
spirutual and divine beings: material things: it doesn't persist after all: no:  no: .. :
we know long ago: that: the journey is the destination: yes my little foxy        - yes -
especially: when you follow the journey: inside of your new long black limo.

       Remember: my boy: man of spirit: everytime: he lets sound his own mouth:    about:
how he is incompetent technically: and: destructive manually:   he is indeed natural born
leader and poet - give him peace  - he really doesn't know it    - to operate any device:
any hammer: any broom - even more bulb - by no means: he is not only dumb jerk: who wants
to you do it all in his stead: whilst he will recite: or speak how you have to live - no:
he doesn't despise of manual work:   he is only simply pretty deeply truthful to himself:
and big inspiring and self-critical.

       :I'm not a poet: although I'm writing heartbreaking poems:    I am not an artist -
although: I paint gorgeous paintings: and: I'm not even a singer! Yes: you say good:   my
boy: this way you get ahead the others - who would say it about you: the bastards:  that:
you are not an artist: .. sure: I said it: what's going on?! :but: let's look at him: how
modest genius: they'll tell: they: which know same like you   - that you ARE the poet!! -
when you read it - your heart is so mighty affected: yes: you are the great artist!! Your
voice: oh: :and: those magnificent paintings! Finally!! Finally you are here!!!

       * What Sigmund Freud depicted before my terrified eyes:  the first:  scandalously:
and: I had to admit: that: he is right: shortly after a moment of offended defiance: yes:
I like to shit well: I'll take a favorite book there: and: a couple of times: I even took
there a bread with apple: when I was smaller: until granny explained me that not