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       Today is 18.06.2011 and the truth is: that: I want to exaggerate generously in a scale.
       This is what I want: I admire the way how Rubens does it: I love that bastard: he's the
best: no one is like him. It fits the most. His faces shifts only very rarely and bodies:    I
guess never.
       In those huge formats - it's truly superhuman: and if it's true:      that he only made
lines - that must be true: because lines are unique: it can't be fooled there - so:   if it'is
true: that large parts of those giant works were painted by his students -     I love him even
more: because they remained his own anyway.
       This is how I imagine the moment: when Beethoven stands before the orchestra. After the
last note of the absolute ninth symphony:      He writes the last laying eight to the air with
his ash baton: and his saliva drips from all winds - all bows slides on his sweat.
       This is embedded in Rubens' paintings.

       Today is 30.11.2022 and the truth is: the more the boy gathers experience:          and
knowledge: the less he feels the need to criticize - today I would definitely write:    we the
both Peters have in common: that we love: the greatest of the greatest poets: Michelangelo: