Intro..                                                                                  ...Back
Draw...                                                                                  ..Along
Poems..                                                                                  ...More

       I was on a trip around Bratislava: I had a few hours vacation: and: It's no more my city. 
Formerly: I bought cigarettes and wandered at the streets in my own smoke - It's gone - I didn't
recognize myself in showcases: as I felt other day in Bernolákovo as circus poodle:    I went to
the bookstore and I felt embarrassed for a while. 
       I know this people: Boring Boy: Beautiful Ms Teacher: Heartattacker:  Conceptualist: and:
Peter Dull SelfHuron Krutek - nowhere. After all: if They are here:   there really is no reason:
that: He is not here - Is he really nowhere?!
       I looked back stealthily: whether someone watch me mockingly: that:  "I know who you are!
Aspirant! Which remains the aspirant. Here are the writers on the shelves!     How embarrassing!
:Eternal Aspirant Peter." - "Here actually isn't space for your amphitheatricality."     (:Ufff:
this word - The monster stretched hand at me again: I'm still Lemming now.    I quietly began to
fade around CDs (Luckily: I didn't remind: I also wanted to be a singer.) and quick:   from this
toxic air: back on the street - maybe I will try that smoke - but it didn't taste.       I threw
seventeen cigarettes and lighter to a container for dog shit: I put shells to my ears:    and: I
was over the Planet again: over the ocean - I bathed in my visions.    :That I'm just like him -
distant and monstrous inside: I'm only a bizarre surface: coated over the mineral base:      but
still so tight into myself.I don't respond properly: blind: I perceive just my reflection:   the
dance of my asymetriades: I erupt blissfully hight to heaven: so happy: and sincerely   - and in
a momment - I trust nothing and never: I will damn the worlds:        I will forsake goddesses -
       Since this sunny March afternoon I know we should be together: no matter: how madly:  and
unlikely it seems - that's what all the parallels point to. Even though:   I'm actually dying of
unhappy love for you now: at least: I've finally found out what I want.