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       Today I would like to greet the nice playful boy: who is still filming me with interest: when I secretly 
masturbate at home:  during watching pornographic content.
       Stealthily turns on my secret microphone and virtual webcam  - and in every corner of his screen: at his
home: he carefully inserts:  on the one side: masturbating me - and on the other side: porn content: which I am
watching: so that: it's obvious immediately: what I'm self-abusing with hungrily::
       Hello: my heartfelt friend: thank you very much indeed: and I would really like to reward you:  for your
tireless work: in addition to the hot thanks: also financially: but: unfortunately: just  now: I don't have any
extra money: at the moment.
       And to tell the truth: probably: I do not understand well: your sincere request:     from our last night
mail: should I pay for the work: which I haven't even seen?
       And none of my friends:  on social networks? 
       And not a single person from my mailing list?
       Although I'm more than convinced: that: this work of yours is of extraordinary and above-average quality
- don't be mad at me - I'm a little afraid to take risks like this: to buy a cat in a bag this way: and as your
real friend: I want to ask you: first your work send to all my friends - publish it publicly on social networks
and websites: and then: we will definitely find a way together: how to send you money: you yourself:    will be
more happy about it this way - trust me