Intro..                                                                            ...Back
Draw...                                                                            ..Along
Poems..                                                                            ...More

       I don't even know - there was the answer: which my grandmother got to her question:
 "And where should I drill a hole: Master?"       This question: once she asked an unnamed
artist: who came to have framed his big expressive canvas. At the time -  she worked for a
state-owned enterprise - covering this terrestrial affairs:    around all that infinity of
socialist fine art - framing: matting: gluing: and at the end: she drilled a small hole in
the back:  into which a loop for hanging screwed.
       It still seems funny to me: whenever I sometimes hear it with cakes:  on a visit to
my native Petržalka block of flats - I'm looking forward   - although now: when I'm on the
other side: after a long effort and hysterical study:       I'm already there: among those
cranks - I see ghosts - I even summon them myself
       I now clearly remember:  ringing at the end of art education:  sometime in the late
eighties: at primary school Lysenkova 64: when my classmate:  with quick but:   meticulous
strokes of black crayon: completed the sky: above her landscape: by wavy crows.  I said to
myself: Great !!! :and I did it too. (The crows season then lasted: in our class:    until
the end of the year.) It was really great - the cognition - the simplicity - it was almost
nothing: and there was everything already: I didn't feel so much joy even later   - during
drawing the hairy diamonds with a comma in the middle
      :For the first time: the powerful voodoo disgraced me: the abstraction: