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       Like poets: there are only few Actors: many of them only do business with their faces.
       :Once - the time comes: and: many actors will be replaced by digital entities   - they
will earn a living like in the Moliere times finally - nicely by theater.     (Also musicians
who cry that the pirates are killing their music - they will scrub the concert deck.)
       I was only twice in the theater: even though: it is art:  when it's operated by Actors
- it's not art for me.
       :I'm from childhood marked by the fact: that:  I experience any sorts of embarrassment
as my own. Therefore: I don't like to exhibit myself out to the public   - in my short singer
career: I mostly prayed: when it will be over.             That's why I accept only brilliant
professionalism - flawless - respectively: flaws are brilliant interpretation nuances:  about
which I can not have even the littliest feel.
      :I'm also very anxiously empathetic: and: And I probably often make things up:    that:
it's not the way it should be here: the actor didn't succeed: it's not funny or deep:    and:
immediately it makes me embarrassed: and: I feel bad for him too - I feel sorry for him.
      :Some  actors who I don't like: they're awkward as soon as I see them.  They don't know
it: they are not used to the stage: they are not used to the camera. They are acting:    some
sort of numb stylized idea of the most beautiful their-self: plus:         what they think is
      They have their character neatly dressed:        but only awkward modified nice-looking
caricature still comes out.

      To TV redactors: moderators and presenters: this is doubly true. 
      :Sorry for this Madam. After all: this also applies to me: yes: even such a genius will
harden instantly: and: start buzzing like a serious mole.
      :Probably: it is something quantum again. :Caused by foreign eyes: which are looking to
things: which should not be exposed    - which works only without the presence of spectators.
This transformation will take place already: when I try to tell a simple joke:   it's it like
magic - rather not - prefer to be silent: shut up: we'll be silent together Madam Editor:  it
will be better that way :-)

      Television is the moving images from Jehovah's Witnesses books.             The rainbow
advertisment for the Consumable Paradise: after the End of the World       - varied colors of
freshly vomited mayonnaise salad. Cute animals: babies: beautiful dish with fruit:      happy
couples are lounging on amazing mattresses without leaking urine:        not dripped from the
enlarged prostate.      Drooling hiss of white-toothed horses: who're racing in their pseudo-
individuality: and hyperempathy with the camera. 
      :From that slimy effort to comply: to enjoy: and: to sell - besides amazing self - also
butter: cola and pads - can be nothing but sweet shit ..
      But people are lonely: it's good to turn on that box: to open the window        - as if
someone else is at home.