
I'm going to:
when there will be a little too much      
- that time is coming -
to do with my hands:
just the very useful things:
for example - bearings for the skipping rope:
I'll undress completely naked:
and I'll run away -
i'll flee to yodel between the macaques
- savannas are green socks -

but before that:
I'll take the blood into the old iron on the handcart -
 - I'ill fainting several times on the way,
the shaky wheels will sputter into my face the whole infinity -
but I will have a peace already:
especially on my temple - the fat vein will not swell
I'll not have to convince all of my conceited pieces:
I'll produce only serious testimonies:
for example:
if toddlers were dressed as caterpillars: shits would be butterflies:

And at last: I'll say it all frankly:
at last I'll say it frankly ___________________________
I'll find our garden:
I'll cross the fence stealthily:
and there I'll write that word
in the corner

on the sky:
