Intro..                                   Poď sa so mnou kúpať       Come bathe with me
Draw...                                       už si zasa suchá       you're dry again
Poems..                                            nebuď hlúpa       don't be stupid
Guitar.                                       dostaneš tu úpal       you get the heat stroke here
                                              More bude sladké       The sea will be sweet
                                           a každý tieň lesklý       and every shadow - glossy
                                                sme tak hladké       we're so smooth
                                           až to s nami kreslí       it draw with us

                                             Sme hladké tulene       We're smooth seals
                                               v balete o pene       in a ballet about foam
                                     predbehneš vedľa mňa prúd       next to me - you get ahead the flow

                                             Dva hladké tulene       Two smooth seals
                                             dva čierne lupene       two black petals
                                           hlbiny pod nami vrú       the depths below us are boiling
                                             Čo tu budeš robiť       what are you going to do here
                                          plaziť sa a tlieskať       .. crawl and clap ..
                                                   poď do vody       come into the water
                                        lebo ťa hneď splieskam       or I will slap you now

                                             Je perfektné ráno       Is perfect morning
                                             musíme sa zmiešať       we must mingle
                                                     s oceánom       with the ocean
                                           na brehu si smiešna       on the shore you are ridiculous
Along..                                       Skĺzneme po pene       We'll slide down by the foam
More...                                          nemáme korene       we have no roots