Intro..                                                                      ...Back
Draw...                                                                      ..Along
Poems..                                                                      ...More

       In the yard of Tibor's house: a swing was hung on a frame made of scaffolding
tubes  - the kind: that didn't have a chain in the front: or a backrest in the back:
so it was perfectly possible to jump out of it   - push yourself with your hand: and
with the right half of the ass to go straight up in the air:  and the left one as if
to leave it behind: because then it would land a second later.
       But this required a lot of training:    and mastery was achieved only after a
long time: and even then only sometimes - when it was blowing well in the back:  but
it was the greatest fun: and all Tibor's friends did it often  - and therefore there
was the smoothest: most shiny wood I ever saw in my life.
       Tibor always carved something there with a rusty nail:      but it was mostly
unreadable after a few days.  It is said: the softest on the body is the skin on the
buttocks:  and this is definitely true:  when we consider: how much time: during our
lifetime:  we rub our asses against the something: at school and so:    and from all
those who jumped there at that time and maybe even from everyone around:   certainly
had the finest skin on the ass - Henrieta - Tibor's sister.
       It was because she always flew the farthest      - after which she used to be
properly puffed up like a yacht:    and also because she was the only one there: who
managed to get a splinter stuck in her ass: and just then you could see that her ass
was really smooth: like from white powder:    which is given there to small children
and hard peaches.
       The fact that she always flew the furthest was a good thing:      because she
didn't know how to lose at all:      otherwise she would immediately start doing bad
things: suing: slapping: and she would completely turn into Satan's mushrooms:    or
even worse: into poisonous vipers:     which are curled up in the sun like traps and
waiting for their moment to come.
       But I knew: when to be careful and make a wide arc around her  - and that was
when she was quiet and smiling with that beautiful toothless smile:         that the
children have in the picture: where Jesus lets them come to him.
       But even so:  of all the women in the world:  she was the one who cost me the
most cowardice: which I had to sacrifice many times for her sake:  so that she would
see me.


       For example: it cost me at least four years of my life not to run away from a
nasty dog: that lived around a big bend:  and the bloody chain left on my leg by its
yellow teeth really hellishly burned:        even though the scab could be perfectly
scraped off.
       In general   - not running away -  is like blowing up the entire stockpile of
weapons and ammunition that we have from our mother nature:  because even tigers are
said to run away most often.
       That was probably the first time: I had the strange feeling: that one half of
me would now run away and the other would just let itself be bitten: and it would be
like in some cartoon story where cats are chasing mice.
       In the bend was a huge round mirror:      at which bus drivers look at in the
morning: who only sometimes lets you stand in front:    where it looks so wide: like
if all the way is yours only.
       This mirror is said to be unbreakable: and as far as I know:  no one has ever
tried: because that would be seven years of bad luck - and the dog was sitting in it
around the corner with a strange bent tongue sticking out of its mouth and its snout
was also kind of pancake-like - but all that only because everything was reflected.
       Hena ran to him immediately:  "how beautiful puppy:"   and I overtook her two
seconds later: because I was a big dude:     and because I haven't been able to help
myself: since once I outrunned Tibor on his lame bike - I just had to leave everyone
       But then: the dog was probably startled by our sandal clapping:   and started
to back away: which was why we stopped for: and it saw us:         that we were just
children: and it must have really infuriated him.
       Hena quickly hid behind me: which was exactly what she had always been taught
- so I couldn't even be angry with her   - and the dog enjoyed it nicely on me twice
with his full teeth.
       I couldn't cry: because we: the men from the street: we never cried     - and
especially Tibor and me: we were then very tough guys:    but I let out a few tears:
because this was: as also spanking with carpet beater: an extraordinary event.
       Knees elbows and other protectors for children's heads     - including asses:
should never to withdraw their natural compensation right at the scene:   they saved
it for a solitary moment without witnesses:     or also it could be conserved in the
teeth: and in wrinkled skin on the forehead and around the eyes      - where also is
located the hard macho gaze straight into the black.
       But the hardest thing was to endure the shame: that always comes on the faces
- and it won't help: if you don't look at it: because: it was loudly there.


       Once: Henrieta brought a little one-day-old chick from somewhere  - which was
really beautiful - all yellow fluffy  and clumsily beeping at its thin chicken legs:
 and my hands tickled slightly: from how the whole thing was shaking.  It was simply
perfectly designed to make people love it right away.
       Everyone was enchanted: they speculated about it: especially Hena and Monika:
how to give it grain and continuously brought it fresh water:  which was already too
much and also that: they wanted it to walk a little on the grass   - because as soon
as they put it to the ground     - it disappeared into the tall spiky weeds that the
ducks eat.
       By then it was getting late: and when I very carefully stepped on that golden
chick - and it couldn't be undone even by next ten minutes of searching of it   - it
was really terribly too late.  
       That dreadful soft feeling: what left on my leg:  I will never be able to let
go of my head - the hardest part is to kill for the first time.
       Fortunately:  the body was mysteriously not found:     but I must have had it
written somewhere on my face:  because Henrieta read it with her feminine sense from
it: began to look at me strangely:  and her mouth began to curve into that dangerous
smile of hers.
       When I wanted to get lost quickly: the swing crossed my path:    and I really
couldn't resist: I was: so to speak: already like a fresh killer  - a man completely
without morals in his body.
       Because I have not yet reached the ground with my feet I had to bounce:   and
with my ass jump on the seat: what I often didn't succeed in:      and I hit my back
vertebrae: but it was a necessary evil: and when I was swishing in the air: and:  at
the back of my neck: I was tickling by cherry leaves:  and forwards:  I saw the high
corn behind the shed - it was divine like all the heavenly angels.
       I just started letting go to freedom the right half of my ass:      when Hena
stepped into my path: with her complete bestial smile  - and whereas my one part was
kind of loose: since it was trying to escape the dog in the bend  - it disobeyed me:
and did not return: when I tried to slide back into myself.       Instead of it - it
pulled me from the height down:   seized my consciousness:   devoured my away-taking
breath: and since then: they flying together there at any time.