Intro..                                        Mačička márnivá       Kitten - vain
Draw...                                         mäkučká zúrivá       mellow furious
Poems..                                        diabolská svätá       devilish saint
2019...                                         z celého sveta       from around the world
                                             najkrajšie lenivá       the most beautiful lazy

                                    Rozkošná a v bokoch plytká       Delightful and shallow in the hips
                                       má slobodné tiché lýtka       she has a free silent calves
                                           a je klzká ako para       and she's sleek like steam
                               v zreničkách jej svieti smaragd       emerald shines inside her pupils

                                    Na chrbte jej uschla farba       A color had dried on her back
                                         čo odfrkla z leoparda       what was squirted from leopard
                                      kedˇ sa začne cítiť sivo       when she starts to feel gray
                                       zmizne si žiť iný život       she'll disappear to live another life

                         tam kam strčí hlavu pretiahne sa celá       wherever she put the head - she can pass whole
                           jeden dvor je pre ňu iba veľká cela       one yard is just a big cell for her
                         plná miska mlieka nie je zas tak veľa       a full milk bowl is not that much
                           keby nesmela ísť kam by sama chcela       if she wasn't allowed to go - where would she like to go

                                      V papuľke má ostré zúbky       She has sharp teeth in the mouth
Back...                                ak nebudem na ňu prudký       if I'm not going to be swift
Along..                               bude na mňa stále sladká       she'll still be sweet on me
More...                         len ju nesmiem prestať hladkať       but I can't stop caressing her