
The evening dress was on her: in that morning:
over one breath more atmospheric:
when they led out her: step behind the long arms: from the sails
Even though: she was looking through me again: I was already chosen
Selia doesn't ask for dance
just sparks with her nails towards you silently
Than: every time: when I was realize myself: I stood:
and she painted a claret salza around me -
Also because my body doesn't own any rhythm:
also the pulse: now beating in me like a downpour on the roof
- she used me as a tool -
she was tugging on pulleys in me - by elbows
and calves: she was growing into my joints
with nipples: she was calling my loins:
she was rappeling me -
and so - in moments - when I forgot about myself -
I was flying with her
And maybe I could see myself once -
by the eyes of the man at the bar:
high between the wings:
sweet and high as narrowly:
the radiant beauty in the musical poem
that unfortunate bent Russian
Maybe twice
Oh: the dance is a woman Romeo that little shaman I'll say -
that nothing -
just if only for a moment
he could take my heart out:
I have to clean it a bit
and squeeze -
to extrude our blood:
I know that will help
