Intro.. ...Back Draw... ..Along Poems.. ...More As for the reprehensible overweight of hippos: the water used to be considered as an attenuating circumstance: but: hippos don't care about it at all: and dreaming all day: that: would be just really cool: If they knew: whether: they would cast to mud after bathing: or: rather to wrap self in shit They're so nervous about this: therfore be careful: - that the fatties are peaceful: prudent: and good-humored: is just our fable: and don't try to peeve them - the hippo skin is thick only seemingly It isn't uncommon to argue among animals: and to swear and quite often someone gets badly scolded - for example the roes - they're used to scold to the rain: because he steals their salt apparently: but he always splash: that: their sparse minds are copletelly lick out: If you happened to come to the deers for a piece of speech: you should know that: the word "shoot" doesn't have any metaphoric meaning here: so carefully But on the contrary: to use the term "to stain" isn't humiliating among the cheetahs at all: as well as "fast girl" :if you adressed the mustanges: which: from time immemorial: are behaving unbridledly: because: they're proud of how wildly they resaddled on the wind Wind isn't considered to be sublime here generally: and according to the all beasts: he is a real fucker - even the riotous Dingos - they'll never miss an opportunity to call him the fucking whisperer and: for that fled kangaroos: he'll suffer ugly And the kangaroos: are careful not to let the pickpocketing spread out: because: permitting it: would mean the same thing as to tolerate abductions of children:It is not even a little exaggerated to be alert here: because: in the bosom of nature always flourish a thievery: and what looks out from the eyes of the chimpanzees occasionally - what from there looks stealthily: or secretly - or first stealthily - and then secretly - is brain: who look gray only ostensibly - in fact: loves carnival and: at every opportunity tries imaginative masks: sometimes can be seen a little behind the eyes: when during making fires: and during dancing: and sometimes: likes to move with lips silently: as with the skirts: So: to quarrel and to steal: is very and completely natural: although not even a bit romantic: and you need to be very careful: and to remember these few rules And - it is never worth to poke into the wasp nest - because: wasps are afraid terribly: that someone could rob their secret chamber: in which small yellow-black corsets hang on: