Intro..                                                                          ...Back
Draw...                                                                          ..Along
Poems..                                                                          ...More

       Maybe he was one of the staff: or one of the hotel guests    - the restaurant and
bar were open here. But it could have been someone directly from family: whereas:  there
were many people around:   which she never seen: even in a photo to this day:   and now:
they were her close relatives.
       A moment ago: he was talking in the hallway with drunk Zuzana:  just then she saw
him for the first time - namely she felt that way.    But: when she looked at him better
now  (he had broad shoulders and straight back)  it seemed to her:  he is one of Stano's
friends:  who flocked to her an hour ago with flowers and first names:  so she told him:
       He had quite a nice: higher voice: and he blinked at her a little:   when he bent
down and helped her to stand  - his tie swayed a little:   and for a moment a small spot
was visible under the button of his shirt.    But: he did not stink at all: neither from
wine: nor from sweat: and it was almost ten o'clock:   and:  most of the men in the room
were already celebrating intensively.
       So you swam together: and I can't get him to the water all summer   - exaggerated
Mira a little: so that she could be quite sure: where to place him.    :And he smiled at
her again: and said: that it was she: who as a good wife:    pampered her sweet boy like
this. Immediately after that: he cheerfully tried to turn her around: what he might have
managed: if he hadn't twisted her so hard:   and:  if she hadn't lost her balance in the
middle of a turn. Fortunately: he was fast enough to grab her again with both hands: for
otherwise: she would have fallen right between her two drunken uncles with wives:    and
that would have been a scandal.
       No romp - Mira hissed in his ear and looked where the cameraman was.   Not to be:
that today she had to play the role of a shining heartfelt angel:     she would send him
quickly to the hell: but because: she played this role today:   and she had on list many
worse sticky idiots today: got one more chance:  and he did not waste it:   on his great
       They danced a waltz and two tangoes together and talked about weddings: about men
and so on - he wasn't a boring guy at all.   :She also learned great things about Stano:
that: he stuffed his swimsuit with toilet paper: and that:    he was making hickeys with
washing machine hose. This was nice: she was looking forward to tease Stano with it.
       Sometimes in the middle of the second tango:   the handsome man leaned toward her
(she was embarrassed to pry his name again) and asked: whether she could be kidnapped by
him.     Of course he promptly pointed out: that Stano had clearly explained the rule of
today's strict prohibition of bride kidnapping       - but it would only be a small one:
symbolic: to the local night bar: and Mira said: rather not.
       But she hesitated for a second or two: since previously:  he had managed to strum
her vicious string skillfully : and it could have meant also: maybe later.
       Then the polka began and a big fat guy rolled from the table - Uncle Joseph - who
didn't say: shall we dance? :nor: come on: nor: nothing   - he just grabbed her    - and
turned with her: one-two - two-two away.
       During the chicken breast with rice and apricots: every moment someone drank: and
raised the cup high for the health and happiness of the newlyweds.  Stano said something
to DJ: and when he sat dow: Mira nudged him: that: his father should stop drinking:  and
eat more: because: he will vomit only slivovitz. But he didn't react at all to her joke:
he just looked at her through his eyebrow - of course - he would surely argue: that:  he
was only asking for a little compassion: but: Mira was crystal clear that:    he behaved
extremely idiotically.
       Oh: that's not funny anymore  - She said and used her special voice: which always
irritated him: but: he was quiet again: only shook his head for himself.  It looked very
innocent: but he knew well: how she hate it: when he shook his big head over her:  as if
she was some feeble-minded poor woman: and now her painful reckoning should follow   :He
also never owed her anything for a long time.    :But today she intended to be a radiant
angelic being: and that would mean embarking on a serious conflict with him    - because
now should follow something which would really piss him off.
       :For example: that he really terribly looks like his soak father.
       But Mira didn't say anything like that:   she put her hair behind her ears twice:
finished her mineral water and said to herself     - there will be enough time to settle
accounts with him later.       :But later she forgot everything: and if the handsome guy
didn't show up again: and didn't mention at the right time    - what a pity: that such a
beautiful bride will not be kidnapped today        - not the slightest trace of it would
       But he mentioned it at exactly the right moment       - he slowly turned her very
carefully in the dance: and to his gentle question - did you happen to change your mind?
- she then answered: ok: let's go.
       Stano was also really tired.  From the morning: had to play everything possible -
a humble son: smiling toast-master: and iron drunkard     - and he did not have the same
natural talent for it as his young wife.      And on top of that: the cameraman with his
annoying device: which made unnatural smiles and distant eyes on everyone's faces..
       To everyone: except Mira: the love of his life: who was really beautiful with her
bare shoulders - but also who knew: how to piss him off like no other.
 ´     But mostly they had a really good time together:    and they both quickly forgot:
so: at his seventh sour coffee with cream:    at which the world suddenly became amazing
again: and an old song from Earth Wind and Fire was heard: Stano looked around suddenly:
that he would like to dance a little with his snow-wife    - today is the best day after
       But Mira was nowhere to be seen.
       He looked at his watch:   it was ten past eleven:     the younger years tomfooled
around on the dance floor: waitresses kept taking the plates from the second dish:   and
his old friends athletes: who were smoking outside: emerged from the passage.
       :Stanley: you ugly pig - Joseph shouted. It meant: everything is spectacular: and
wine works exactly as it should.
       Stano raised his hands: waved with fists: and turned to aunt Dana:    who came to
say goodbye. She was kind of pale: and said: she had to go home. He escorted her out and
put her in the car to a neighbor Marek - who was doing the taxi today.
       They did not meet Mira anywhere: neither in the corridor: neither outside: nor in
the hall she was certainly not - so he promised: that he would greet her:    and that he
would told everything to her: but he was thinking of something completely different    -
he had a pretty strong idea: that: some scumbags had kidnapped her.
       And she allowed it!
       They talked about it several times: there will be a big wedding: a lot of food: a
lot of wine: we will pay for a few rooms: so everyone can have a drink:    no additional
expenses will be needed: Stano then repeated this to every scoundrel:     who might have
happy and cheerful ideas.
       And she obviously wasn't here anyway!!
       When he told his mother-in-law about his suspicion: she was very pleased   - what
would a wedding be without kidnapping?   :and immediately loaded him into the car:  also
with the cameraman: let them have a nice memory.
       Today: Stano didn't really have the strength to resist any of this - calmly: like
a sheep: he got into that car: and ran on a pilgrimage to the surrounding taverns.
      While driving fast through the night streets: he still thought: that:   she danced
longer with the man in the blue shirt. He looked like one of the staff: and Stano stayed
alert briefly: but then he saw: that Mira was having a good time:  and did not deal with
it further.
       The cameraman fortunately noticed   the Stano's inapplicable facial expression in
time: and never got out of the car with him. He sat quietly next to him:     chewing his
hard chewing gum: until they stopped in front of the hotel again. All three were already
convinced: that she had returned in the meantime - but no - she was still gone: and when
the waitress from the nightbar said to him: yes: she was here: but after a while:    she
left with the tall handsome guy - so then - he became afraid.
       If he wanted it: maybe it would be today without violence.
       And maybe he would wanted it: if he had a little more time. :And like this:    he
had never thought before.
       Anyway:     this Miriam was definitely completely different from all his previous
ones. Although she was in many ways a typical woman - in particular: that she was unable
to resist the flattery. But now: that he knew for sure from her pursed lips    - she was
conscious: and in spite of everything: she continues to breathe calmly:  and she doesn't
move at all: she doesn't mumble: she didn't even open her eyes - there could be no doubt
now: that she is truly extraordinary.
       But now: this her beautiful eyes: he needed open: and therefore pressed the knife
a little on her neck.
       He suspected that there would not be what was usually there    - a terribly black
terrified dot in the middle of a soggy circle     - but he really didn't expect the pure
blue hateful calm: with which she looked at him.
       Now he really couldn't understand: how he could deceive this woman.
       How could she get into his hands?!
       Everything went smoothly: according to his credo:       the world belongs to rude
bastards. She followed him to the bar: they sat and chatted for a while: he said    - he
didn't feel good because of Stano and wanted to take her back.    Then on the way to the
hall: he ran upstairs to the bag for another pack of cigarettes:  and from above he said
aloud - I have never seen this in my life!
       :And she went again: like a typical hen:   to the open door in the men's toilets:
which was on the second floor: right next to the stairs.
       Then he had to hit her.
       With the speed of predatory lightning:  he carried her in room:   which he bought
for today's starry night - laid her on the bed - tied her up:  and sealed her mouth.
       A moment ago: they sat together in a red nightbar light: and it was seen:   that:
she has the sense for rude humor: which women do not have often.
       But he could also see her magnificent milky-pink shoulders:  so it could not have
turned out otherwise - only like this.
       He was looking into her eyes and felt: that it will not last long time.
       She was his own - various words were swirling in his head - bride - virgin  - the
right of the first night: and again bride and virgin: until it fell from him like leaves
- slowly and from all sides.
       Since he was always very melancholic at this moment     - usually took a knife or
pillow: or a plastic bag and did what had already happened long before.
       But he wouldn't even have to look up:   and he'd still know that today it will be
different - even if it might not turn out well for him
       Simply right now: he longed for risking everything.
       Shortly after one o'clock:   very sad and very drunk uncle Joseph   looked at the
door - and howled loudly with joy - today bride - tomorrow wife   - someone then quickly
turned off the lights and all was well again.