
Maybe the jellyfish are your thimbles
because of garfish:
or transparent souls of skirt-chasers:
or they're the living retracing of the fantastic ringing:
that is supposed to ring here until the end of the world for your glory:
and when it rings:
the mussels are closing in their cells:
Maybe they are just busts of water:
or small bags with hopping
or they're crystal caps from pepper casters:
and maybe:
they are only here for mushroom picking -
but so beautifully poisonous are not even women:
which are always a little scented by you:
when they're prepared to interpret the mist:

If my skin is like your surface - it protects me -
but then: I have at least two terrible swirls on my body: 
through which: it's possible to look down to the bottom:
I'm very sensitive in those places: and pervasive
unlike you: because in your underworld is silence ..
It's necessary to bow to the giant squid -
whose crown - as it's written in skin of whales - cannot be questioned:
because only the king: has the right to mint his own coins
But the silence: which is here:
is not empty - means to listen -
I orient here only according to will-o'-the-wisps:
but I can still see:
that you really enjoy the spreading of scary stories by gravure printing -
this devil has the light directly in the mouth:
as my first girlfriend - I couldn't get enough of swallowing -
having your own light is always the best enticement:

We're the powerful shamans -
we can turn Earth into beautiful orange folds anytime:
but I doubt:  we could reach this far -
the life is here more hungry:
and will probably continue here: as if we never lived
Maybe you're doing it purposely - you don't count on us from the beginning
