
Atoll - is the amphitheater where the sun goes:
as a representative of shocked stars: to look at their own work -
it's a coliseum:
where the infinity goes on the aviation day
Now I'll get tattoo on my iris:
-  there is nettle in paradise gardens:
- The magic colored and paralyzing nettle
and: at one moment:
I will be rock solidly convinced: 
that it is enough: if a bead remains after death

Your most beautiful slugs likes spicy: 
and this eel could feed three sockets with his personal current:
If I had my own one hundred and fifty volts:
I would definitely want to experience something electrifying:
for example: to kiss Alia's hair under neck: or: touch her breasts:
And maybe I would just often was silent meaningfully and dangerously: but probably not:
maybe only: if I was a flying fish:
because - what to add?
And if I was for a moment - the Greenland:
maybe: I could prove my decisive discovery:
The whales come from ungulates:
which were increasingly seeking refuge in the water..
      There are only two types of whales described in the Narwhal family:
          The completely white - and mysteriously smiling - Beluga
              and Narwhal - strange creature with a large pointed horn -

                  I know I'm big -
                    I discovered: where the unicorns were evaporated:
