
I would often need easy and practical exterior of sea urchins:
so I shall go and seek the chestnut from which they fell down:
and when the hammerhead shark accidentally will touch me: 
who works as an auctioneer and the auction house at once:
there will be the possibility: that he'll buy me to decorate his body about a few another cold millimeters:
therefore: I'll certainly be quiet and think deeply:
that: if I had his cruel thorough and beautiful body:
I wouldn't need a mind -
the all doubts: I'd let them slide on the skin of my head to backward: because: that is the wisest thing:
turn them into something useful:
for example: into a stream in which small fish are traveling

The seals are former pets of Atlanteans:
as the stage forms of life: they lost the ability to kneel:
but: the praying is the most stormy clapping:
and isn't important: who is the originator of a miracle -
one way or another (it's written in the old scrolls:
or: the old scrolls are overgrown by beings)
let's pray: a miracle happened
And that's exactly: what the seals can do up to exhaustion:
therefore: they're great experts of life:
just like our old cat: which knew: that everything is here only for a moment: 
and that's why: she pushed herself a little more into the every caress: 
Whenever you can roll up the sailfishes:
and no one will ever see their almost smiles:
and that: it was the speed: which sharpen their faces:
like down the hill on my first bike:
someone spread my mouth wide

It will be nice now talk with electric rays: which short-circuits for fun occasionally
- maybe some spark will jump over  -
and we'll talk together: that: our bodies desires to be just as shallow:
and they want to hug with the bottom:
and nothing discourages them: to bury themselves in the mud with pleasure from time to time
It will be nice: to share fate with flounders:
that I was also born normal: symmetrical:
but later: everything around me started to blur and mix:
as if I was slowly laying down on one side:
as if one of my eyes remained in place:
and the other moved slowly towards to dreams: 
