
I know: how you did it Salome:
I saw  such a stripper: once in S
she made my thighs burn for a moment:
she took my soul and spread it on her body -

Hope comes to look at your eyes
- to recall its vague hue - yes: it's a trap:
when you see her - you will cut her throut -
just for pleasure:
and then: you revive her again:
by kicks in the chest -

You'll break necks to white storks -
because your essential stork is today:
and every such day:
the marabou 

But once - maybe in a few years -
maybe in a few lives -
you'll come against me in a narrow garden path
in a blue shorts
- belted around with the sweet burden -
you'll give me the wet salad head and say:
you have a dedication on the second leaf:
and: at that moment: the thunder will sound:
and the highest heavenly baptist will rain from the clouds for twenty minutes headlessly:

(for Martina Boleková)
