
I'm passing the moon - forever stiffened in the neck
Old star souls are feigning the light in front of my eyes -
as always -
but this whack at the end:
I'd give ears for it - there was life in it!
I look at the Earth - the wandering light:
hardly see through thick cotton - because everyone is in the heaven -
Probably from that squeeze - the sea breathed away:
although long after death:
she is  - by nature - not used to fizz in some tank -
from the anger: she threw out three hundred pointed pieces from herself: to 
- in a few seconds - they crash on her back
- she huffed greatly:
and slamed the level behind herself

I like to turn on the reflectors:
in that blue pilot light:
there is such a smirk that makes me well 
- long-distance -
I aim them towards the Oort cloud - 
I will catch that one billion comets:
then I'll pick up them like torpid hares ...
I'm turning majestically - it's in my blood -
my father was delivering the potatoes during the holidays:
in that last summer:
my mom accompanied him -
she breathed carefully: inside her three gold chains:
in her single sports suit:
she watched her neat reflection in the window -
as the country went through it:
she stroked self thighs again:
and squeezed the knees - I'm here -
I have to be here!
