
He's not home - he bought a horse: and they together: get laughing the mud somewhere
In Mexico: he's snowing the opossums: because: smugglers can't be more natural allegedly:
he twitched out of the letterhead - translating from the mother-in-law's tongues:
with pilotfishies: and dolphins: he's accompanying himself on guitar:
and when something bothers him - he'll dribble out with kangaroos lightly:
When I give him the book: Make from Paper - he'll lease a hillside -
at six: he climbs on the birch: and shouts to wind:
See?! - now I'm combing in the vast  -
if you want to silence me - mix me in to that flock - or blow me into that flamingoes -
we'll strike out on the twilight - we'll hew the fire from the pearls - we'll draw Cinderella with the ash:
He's the fakir that sleeps on the rum-spitzens -
he speaks quickly  - extends narrow corridors in his heritable castl: but
he releases: in parallel: his inborn moles to look at the hill - 
The hot snake serum is surging into his mouth:
and he's galloping as obsessed -
the obsession is: in his opinion: the only quick enough antidote to any fear
It's him - The Black Peter Card: which I'm underthrusting from hand to hand:
Peter turns with a ring tomorrow: and a fresh fog in white tights: will blink with engagement eye - 
It's him: who loves the spirals:
he's creeΠng by the circumferences of circles: looping by ellipses:
he's waking up small: when a matte aurora swallowing the cocks for encouragement:
and the dawn degrading the last sleepy sergeants - the little Peťko waking up:
and the old fridge welcoming him with water labels:
I would glad to play: but I lost the cubes somewhere:
It's him - uran - far in the rings - fossilized forever in jumping through the hoop -
It's him - who just say: if I would want the sphinx: I will address her with a broken hieroglyphs:
