Intro.. Valčík vždy hovorí tak trochu o vetre The waltz always talks about the wind a bit Draw... alebo o ľahkej víchrici na jar or about a light storm in the spring Poems.. pomieša so snehom tropické povetrie mixs tropical weather with snow 2019... ma v paži predpoveď aj keď to taja doesn't care about forecast - even if they hide it má v sebe kúsoček divého tornáda there is a piece of wild tornado in it volá nás uteká zvoláva na ples calling us - running away - inviting to the ball k vínu sa podáva závin a roláda wine is served with strudel and roulade Vietor to roztočí roznesie rozčerí The wind will spin it - spread - stir z oblohy unesie nebeské vtáky from the sky - it'll hijack the heavenly birds aby mu pierkami hladkali kučery so they could caress his curls with they feathers aby s ním pišťali keď suší mláky so they could whistle with it when dries the puddles predo mnou vyniesol dve sliepky na tuju in front of me - it brought out two hens on thuja často ho vytočia jesenné listy it is often screwed with autumn leaves vlajky a zástavy ho slepo milujú the flags and pennants love him blindly Valčík je o vetre v sukniach a vo vlasoch Waltz is about wind in skirts and hair každému navlečie vlajúce rúcho it'll put on a fluttering robe to everyone okolo cvála kôň – držíš ho za laso the horse is galloping around - you're hold him by lasso odraz sa - nechaj sa povláčiť vzduchom bounce yourself - let yourself to haul with air keď ide o vietor všetci sú strapatí when it concern to the wind - they are all shaggy vlastne až na pyšné naduté jachty actually: except for proud flatulent yachts tie mu smú beztrestne ukázať chrbáty they may show him their backs with impunity Lúky sú bez vetra nudné a strnulé The meadows are - without wind - boring and stiff tráva ho popíše horúcim peľom grass will describe it with hot pollen zúrivo napáda mlyny a vrtule it attacks mills and propellers furiously s koňmi a sokolmi sú jedno telo it's one body with horses and falcons Back... do každej sprostosti je celý žeravý it's hot for every foolishness Along.. ťahá sa potichu niektorým oknom drawing through some window silently More... rozhádže papiere a tresne dverami scattering papers and slam with door