
My person in this was decisive:
they did not be able to make it without me: essence:
something like rum but green - yeasts: chlorella: oophila amblystomatis

About after a month on the planet:
I started to feel like on skiing:
donkey's meadow: those ski-lifts Poma:
to fall on ass in a sausage jacket: after lunch to rust in the clubhouse:
amorous bruisings: to throw with hair and thoroughly leaving - the men were again on the other side. 
I was weeding the ivy berries in the hallway to the warehouse HA-R
and a storekeeper came to me - then I don't know - many months - something happened in the climate unit:
I barely saw myself in the mirror - like plants were - like me in that mist like at home -
music on wish:  evening in the smoke darkness at the disco: his teeth shone on my way - so I did not get lost
I'm Ruby: and Dražkovce is Georgia

I had the idea: that: I'll be married
and I'll have a family: I dreamed about it almost every night:
and then Aphrodite  - revived a snowman for me:
