Intro.. Draw... Poems.. Not far from the border - where the tired half-straight lines ending: and: commited verticals climb in uplifting rotation - the circles lazily roll alongside the points: which are sluggishly snailing on rays rotating to the pole origins - the two-dimensional line tends to embrace the flat: the flat needs to be embraced by a two-dimensional line - her value lies in it. He - broken into geometry: spilled into arithmetic: absolutely prime - he's tickling the folding parabolas: he is seized by multiples: amplified by his own multiples: he slobs around in the archetypes of all conics: takes off running shoes of the parallels: and: tries to impose nudges on the sleeping cylinders: to straighten for infinity. and: to sash it with Möbius strip. He - after all: just a segment -Back... Along.. More...