
Dude wasn't waiting for anything:
he rushed inside:
when she was caming out of the porch:
and overturned her interlace beige skirt up to her face: and: twice!
wind under buoyant skirts -
Czechoslovakian panties: as thicker diagonals: after the first wash: they run to look at their intersection:
Infinity fringed with lace:
the thigh border only marginally:
the laces and the beach -
pussies are intending to be beavers further:
and thighs debate: when she'll sit in that ripping skirt:
and: that what's happening to her ass: when she goes by - is a pizzazz 
- and I became completely split from that pussy -
And how her hips are coated by jeans for a rough sketch of panties:
a pink sock cocoon:
the knuckle's and elbow's white:
subversive ankles:
the shorts balancing between panties:
the gold chain its mocks yet:
plus the curve of flexible fiber parallelly loaded on the circumference: soft chain:
interweaved threads on the breasts of the turtleneck:
meticulous safety pins:
the morning needs to be underlined the world with a blue line:
the blink needs to be fluffy:
lurking polish:
the glosses are reflected in handbags:
the ladies' handbags Kabbalah:
semiotic system curare:
tick tock confusing breath and oral karst -
apricot teaser - when her shirt rolled up -  the navel showed his punctuation:
long chest decorated with small breasts:
pointed exhalations:
apart from her décolletage: eyesight redirection is trouble-free:
left paratroop cup and corsets legato:
collision skin:
lentil's lenses:
that happy drunken shadow in wet orange Alia's Maldives swimsuit -
I had to crumple her panties in my hand quickly as a redemptive antidote to her bra:
demarcated non-tanned line
strawberry exposure: and other pink vestibules -
the shivering epicenter: they have in the ear - 
the tongue need to enter into:
they want to materialize their orgasms:
with stealthy magic to turn around:
iris penetration:
I love the sound of your palate:
I want to slip on your living epithelia:
the vaulted dome of your pubis:
the subtle ways of your genital arrangements:
the mangroves of your Venus Mound
I love your discreet pussy

