Intro.. ...Back Draw... ..Along Poems.. ...More One day a favorable wind blew us far to the east to the borders of the red desert. The landscape from above looked like precious scarlet fabric interwoven with green runes. "Inspired by your carpets:" I whispered in Peter's ear. "Inspired by you:" said Peter: gently touching my bare toes: "look at that valley: doesn't it remind you of something?" "Nothing at all!" I blushed. "And that wavy line of sand - that's your hair entwined with ribbons: look how the worlds cross here: the desert flows into the oasis: the blood merges with the sap - looking from this perspective: no one can wonder: that here cats bloom: fish sing and plants float in the heights. I looked around. "Over there:" said Peter: pointing to the right: "they always travel in pairs. Just like you and me."I moved a little forward and gingerly lifted the left corner of the carpet. "Great maneuver:" Peter flattered me. I blew him an air kiss. After a while: a snow-white cloud appeared next to us: and since it was impossible to resist its wispy plumpness: we had to urgently make a sightseeing detour. When we slipped out: we were greeted by a sweet smell and a loud hum. Dozens of wooly bumblebees flitted among the flowers and appeared and disappeared into the bells of their calyxes. "Looks like spring is in full swing here Honey:" said Peter as we climbed into the crown: "even though: it's already autumn down there." "No:" I said in surprise and plucked a pair of dark red cherries: "here is everything at once." The warm wind: as if it heard me: did a graceful pirouette and decorated our hair with petal snow. "That must be an invitation to lunch:" said Peter and ascended higher. I sat comfortably: leaning against the trunk and eating everything: that fell into my skirt. And I was a little girl: who once play in the garden: and .. young woman receiving knightly courtship .. and a model for all beautiful art: an admiring observer: an under- standing companion: a tender seductress: a magical princess and the queen of the whole infinite world. "Heaven:" I said with my mouth full.