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        "I think: he's alive: I don't know why: sometimes I wake up hearing his voice -
calling me - "Your pale lips need more my kisses: Honey."   And for a moment: I see his
face coming out of the darkness towards me      - I was told: that Sector D was left in
Uranus orbit after a massive fuel unit explosion:  and will be disassembled into parts:
but they didn't release any photos: any reports - any documentation..  He was allegedly
the only human victim - repository technician  - the only victim of a massive fuel unit
explosion - very unlikely to say the least..   Robert claimed to me: that it completely
tore Peter to pieces: supposedly a terrible coincidence:   the entire engine room staff
was in another part of the ship by pure chance  - he lied to my face - but I'm not done
with them yet: Andrea still has quite a few high-ranking acquaintances:    some of them
are Greens - I have to find out: what happened there."
        "Maybe it really was just a terrible coincidence:"    Mastern said: sounding as
if Alia continued in a slightly hoarse voice  - if someone stood with his back to them:
he wouldn't even notice: that two people are talking.         "..Life sometimes creates
incredible oddities - look at the three of us - look at you: Peter and Andrea..     And
sometimes its oddities can seem to you to be cunningly cruel     - for example: it gave
us: Mowgli and I: only twenty-five years  - but on the other hand   - we have the power
to save the world - on the one hand: we can give to the life the wide space wings:  and
on the other: we can never have a living child together.."
        "Why?" :Alia asked: glancing from Mastern to Mowgli:   who was sitting opposite
and with the silent wonder of a little boy:    adoringly watched the two-voice and two-
colored spatial dialogue of the love of his life.
        "The processes in my body are going too fast            - so fast: that even my
superactive tissues can't keep up and they often tear and bleed  - by the physical laws
of this universe: eight weeks of pregnancy is simply too short a time."
        "But you can make a baby just as you came into the world: can't you?"
        "We have decided: that we will never experiment like this again:   Homo sapiens
acceleratus will die out with the two of us    - it is a dead end apparently - actually
the academy has never officially confirmed our existence as a new species   - however -
we are happy - they allowed and help us to build Embers."