Intro..                                                                                 ... Back
Draw...                                                                                 .. Along
Poems..                                                                                 ... More

      ..when we'll remember this time: I'll tell you: that it was miraculous: to travel with you
on this glittering and colorful ship: sharing with you colors and experiences and amazement: and
longing for real intimacy with you: you know: this tickling: this kissing and silent whispering:
what we are dreaming about right now: and you will laugh: when I tell you: that my hands are too
big for these modern technologies: but you will already know that: and also:       they are very
suitable for hugging: and carrying beautiful Indian woman to the bedroom ;-) ..  

      .. and that: sometimes it was difficult: wading through the river of images and metaphors:
and questions still arising (Was this too much? Shouldn't I be quiet now?  Why is she silent for
so long? Is this a warning or a declaration? Can I write it here?       Who am I talking to now?
Didn't I make that up? :-) :but that I must be grateful for all this: because it taught me: that
only love is unequivocal