Intro..                                                                     ...Back
Draw...                                                                     ..Along
Poems..                                                                     ...More

       So: the twelfth year of my marriage was critical and fateful:  because after
catching several criminals by looking into the stories  they kept in their lobbies:
the government power became too interested in unregistered lamps:    and in general
in the whole land c. 
       The police  regained  the  legal right  to break   into  the lamp's  private
archives without the user's knowledge: which was:  in addition  to being  the cause
of a record-breaking increase in crime across the state:   first the reason for the
irretrievably erasing all my amazingly embellished achievements:     and then mine: 
considerably oppressive and frustrating only real presence.
       Ultimately:  however:  it triggered a series of events:  that resulted in my
current wonderful and limitless existence.
       Because during those dozen years together:       my wife and I had formed an
almost friendly bond: I decided to kill her painlessly in her sleep:    although my
dark half: at first did not approve of such a foolish waste: I gritted my teeth and
did it quickly with her favorite soft pillow: and then I buried her at night in our
white duvets deep under old walnut tree:  planted by her hulking great grandfather.
       When I spread the yellow November leaves on the grave:   I felt really good:
that I didn't hurt her: she probably didn't have the slightest idea:    who she had
been living with all these years and we had a lot of simple fun together          -
unfortunately it was just time to say goodbye - after all:  even I didn't have much
time left    - from the moment I threw my last lamp into the public containers near
the river port   - I knew for sure:   that sooner or later I would leave this world
       It wasn't so much clairvoyance:     already twelve years ago the police were
unpleasantly breathing down my back:    it would be enough if a certain blonde girl
showed them a video of her wedding:   especially some passages near midnight:   and
there would be nowhere to hide. 
       But backthen I guessed her correctly. She was too proud: to admit: that some
man beat her: and since she actually won - her life   - no one ever found out about
our secret date. Who knows: what she felt:   when she was watching those photos and
that ridiculous movie full of sweaty clothes and skin..