Intro..                                                                                 ...Back
Draw...                                                                                 ..Along
Poems..                                                                                 ...More

       If someone asked me: "why?" :I would tell him - out of curiosity.
       I'm curious.
       From the beginning:  I was curious about: what would happen:  if I did something against
the laws and rules. Something terrible: cruel and unimaginable.       I would break a forbidden
taboo: take someone's dreams and life  - maybe some ancient punishing being would appear before
me: or space would burst: matter would expand: and a great shining essence emerges - and in its
white light:  I would see:  at last:  the mysterious life-force: that is surely there  - I have
always felt it - it is here all around and wants to live and prosper.
       I'm a scientist.
       The felony is my research method.

       After I had my fill of eagle flying  and legal killing  in the Refined Wars and Intimate
Duels:  I enjoyed swimming with a family of orcas and slaughtering graceful seals for some time
- the sea behind us was left foaming pink.
       But even this was too safe and harmonious. As always:  I longed for true evil to blossom
under my hands.
       There was no real danger anywhere - no sharp pain lurking here   - and that was actually
excitingly amazing:  because I could roll up my sleeves:   and like a great creator:   to begin
building a beautiful proud and cruel hell in this boring paradise.
       I started to socialize more: going to sky concerts: forest carnivals: atoll markets  and
visiting the obscure and suspicious corners of the City. 
       I found out:   that the most ordinary and inconspicuous person around is mostly a genie:
and I became acquainted with several beings of my kind.
       One evening: in a night bar:  I ran into a bearded guy in worn jeans and a sweaty shirt:
who told me: that he sometimes amuses himself by entering the lobbies:
       "At the moment when an user are leaving the land: you can quickly approach him and put a
piece of your code behind his doorstep: something small: a hair: or an eyelash  - of course you
have to learn to be invisible before that..  Then you will always feel: when the lamp is turned
on: and you can visit him: or her - you can enter her stories."
       "Awesome:"  I shook my head:   order him another cocktail    and smile at breathtakingly
golden-haired woman at the pool table.