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       It is highly improbable:   that such a complex action was planned  and carried out by
one person: but: as with the "Mowgli" event:  the suspicions directed to the very leadership
of the academy were not confirmed by any evidence.
       Repository technician Peter K. by hacking into the ship's central computer: initiated
a number of false malfunction indications  (widening crack in the cooling system - high risk
of explosion - engine compartment overheating) which was leading (supported by several small
fires) to emergency crew abandonment.
       The appointee then took control of the vessel and left the planet's orbit.
       The crew trapped in the rescue modules had to wait 32 hours: while ship Hydron: which
was already on its way back to Earth: did not pick up them.
       There were no casualties.
       The captain's decision:   not to pursue the hijacker:  based on the limited amount of
supplies and double the number of people on board: is unquestionable.
       The Sector D star ship is still proceeding towards the Alpha Centauri system     with
only one man on board. 
       The ongoing investigation has not yet revealed any plausible motives for his criminal
       We confirm:  that everyone involved is familiar with the official presentation of the
      "The craft had been abandoned on Uranus:   due to an irreparable malfunction caused by
massive fuel unit explosion: and will be dismantled in the coming months  - Peter K. :as the
only human victim: will be posthumously honored with the indigo ribbon."