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       "I was a little angry with you: for taking it from us: I think Robert felt the same. 
You know  - those wonderful months: when we four lived together: just then my wildest youth
returned to me again: and long time and happily danced - which of course it liked very much
and never wanted to stop doing it at all  - because afterwards -  it was necessary to start
aging and ripening again.."  :Andrea said this morning:  when she held me by my still brown
hand: shortly after she firmly and very carefully injected me with a green fluid.
       "Maybe the time of ripening has come for me now: sweetheart..    but our boys are on
their way to Uranus together again. Yesterday I spoke to Peter and he greets you: when they
come back: you will have another tree in the garden:"    I told her and we laughed together
girlishly - me and my liftgirl to moon     - our youth came to us to ring together with the
       "This is actually a huge honor for me    - the great and only discoverer of powerful
bacterium Oophila Minor: Doctor Andrea Minor came to inject me personaly:"      I said: and
looked at my skin on the left wrist      - except for a warm itchy feeling: I didn't notice
anything special: "What are those little critters doing inside me right now?"
       "They quickly and thoroughly grow through your entire tissue system:   and transform
your cellular metabolism: so that it is able to use energy from light. In a little while we
will go up to the roof together: where you will lie and roast for seven hours      - we can
bathe in the pool and have ice cream: if you'll feel like it.       In the evening - I will
accompany you to your room: you will probably be tired and fall asleep quickly - and in the
morning: when you wake up: you will fall in love with shine - you will feel best naked - in
your sleep: you will tend to entwine yourself around your partner:    and at dusk: you will
be able to dine rays."
       "I won't have to eat. Right?"
       "Not every day:    and depending on the time   your skin spend in glaring company of
electromagnetic waves."
       "Ok:  because: right now I feel like a big punch sherbet with raisins: whipped cream
and grated chocolate:" I said cuddly and licked my lips with bulging eyes."