I was already    ... Intro ...                                                                                  ... In a storm
     looking forward to                                                                                                     ... Flamingo
         my attributes,                                                                                         ... Do you have a time?!
          like slightly                                                                                                    ... Different
 parkinson's modernists                                                                                                    ... The Curse
   and the hypercorrect                                                                    ... Unusual morning light in Commonwealth Bay
  poets, who are trying    ... Two cats: in the middle of their own beautiful blue world: they're looking into each other's eyes in love
 to remove the powder -                                 ... Because of the new bubble afro: little lion can't play today: with his skein
      I'm a little off,                                                        ... Beautiful waterlily watching some wacky birdie trying
      I know, I want to                   ... I have hexagonism under my skin: said cobra: to the question: how did Picasso affected her
         paint my hands                                                                                                 ... Let mist toe
            on everyone                                                                                                    ... Love song
          like Van Dyck                                                                                                          ... Hat
           to visualize                                                                              ... Pinocchio deceives himself only
  the frames and impose                                 ... On the smaller one: it can be clearly seen that every infinity is just a bow
 new curses on virgins,                                                           ... The Flying Dutchman passing among the mealy worlds
             to scratch                                                           ... Cowboy hat could be a good nest for incognito swan
 at stellar tips and to                                                                                    ... Amor and his water demons
       extend in hours,                                                                                                     ... Molecule
        I hate my foamy                                                                                                           ... ÍÓ
           counterpart,                                                                                      ... Albert among the worlds
         a glass model,                                                                                                        ... Field
             the mirror                                                                                                    ... The Night
      broke beneath me,                                                                ... When the flying squid met the hungry goldfish
             the sound:                                                                                                   ... Talk to me
     sword to sword and                                                                                    ... The Creation of a pelican
     with those wings -                                                                                                     ... Postcard
       I'm flourishing,                                                                                                        ... Viola
            it was only                                                                                                       ... Temple
my enthusiasm, which is                                                                                                    ... Tom's day
  usurping by snatches,
     when I'm executing                                                                                                         ... Back
         the marionette
    for questioning and
 actually I'm taking my
           eyes off you
when I'm trying to dash
      you with my eyes,
    that except for the
 ornamental bodies from
           cherries and
       a lacquered pear
            we are just
  an alloy for recovery
     and bonsai alleys,
          that there is
      none our ecliptic
   and the eon seconds,
           the seconds,
which shine in my life,
 are controling by your
 epochal smile equally.                                                                                               © 2024 Peter Krutek